Friday, 29 July 2011

Our week - from an Examination to a Mission

Irene has had a very busy week.

It is exam week for the Vocational Training Centre, and so an exam has had to be set for the Computer Students. This is always an ‘exciting’ time as to complete the exam there needs to be electricity, and most days there is usually at least one power cut – fortunately not during the morning of the exam.

Irene is also preparing a leaflet to advertise the Training Centre. She needed to get some photos for the leaflet, so persuaded some of the carpentry students to move a podium which has been sat in front of the centre ever since the Fund raising day a month ago. Being students, they took every opportunity to fool around for a group photo.

On Friday Irene went to Mubuga Parish to help with a Mission. Unusually for this area the church has its own steeple. Unfortunately, as is the case for most church buildings, there is no glass in the windows, and the iron sheet roof has gone rusty, which means it looks to our eyes to be derelict. In fact, the church has a large congregation and is being extended to give more room.

The church is also part of a complex with a Children's Centre run by the charity, Compassion, which is much more decorative.

Malcolm has also been busy. There was the first meeting to consider a training manual he has drafted for Church Treasurers, which is hoped to be used for a series of training courses next month. He has also been continuing to tile our kitchen – but more of that another week

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