Saturday 26 April 2008


Well, after several days graft we are almost ready.All our belongings are either in our son's garage or in suitcases ready for the flight. With the help of David, James and Nick we managed to transport our stuff on Friday. Our possessions are now scattered across the UK (in Stoke on Trent, Milton Keynes, Boston, Plymouth, Ely and Chesham. The chances of remembering where it all is when we return are limited!!!!!!) . Our dog and car are safely fostered with friends (and both will no doubt have a wonderful time while we are away!) We have completed our farewell tour of the UK - only Heathrow to go!

Apart from feeling a bit shattered at the moment, I have a mixture of excitement tempered by a heavy dose of apprehension. We know the culture shock will be enormous and our senses will be sent into over-load. We are about to live for 6 months in a village where few people speak English and where the style of living is completely different, but with the hope that we can help improve their lives and broaden our own.

We asked our church yesterday to pray for:

- culture - that we quickly learn to adjust to a different way
of living and Tanzanian relationships
- work - that Irene develops a role within what her visa allows, and
I am sensitive to the needs of the hospital's staff
- spiritual - that we are able to grow despite not understanding the
language used in services and a different style of service
than we are used to.

We thank all our friends and family for the hospitality, help and encouragement we have received in the past few weeks.

So - bring on the anti-malaria pills and snakes.

See you in Tanzania!

Tutaonana upesi (See you later)

Monday 14 April 2008

Get set........

28th April - that's when we fly out to Tanzania. We expect to arrive in Dar es Salaam on 29th at 7.00am. After a night there we travel by "deluxe" coach to Dodoma and then Mvumi ("deluxe" means it may have air conditioning, but it will be broken!!!).

It is now a rush to sort things out. In the next 2 weeks we spend 9 nights visiting family and friends and 5 at home packing up and doing all the other bits and pieces we will need to do.

We'll be exhausted before we arrive!!!!!!!

Monday 7 April 2008

On your marks.........

After what seems a long time, yesterday, 7th April, we heard that at least Malcolm has been issued with a permit - the only problem is that Irene hasn't. The result is that:

- she will now become a dependent to go out on Malcolm's permit

- we suddenly move into a period of high activity

Taking into account the need to visit family, book flights, pack up etc it is likely we will leave for Mvumi around 28th April, and return 6 months later. The time will go very quickly and no doubt we will wonder if we will complete everything.

Is this when panic sets in? - I hope not!!!!! The delay has allowed the feeling of 'What on earth are we doing?' to set in which I guess is normal for what is a relatively large change in life style. It is probably a feeling we will have for several months.

Yesterday we contacted a travel agency for flight options. Once we have decided those we will have a firm date to work to.