Thursday 18 October 2012

.....Get Set......

It’s been another week of packing and saying goodbye to friends:

The Diocese held a reception for us at the Faith House guest house, and the Bishop presented us with presents to thank us for our work.

The Vocational Training Centre provided a lunch for us and all the students. This included a song and local dances.

When one of the students was asked why he was happy, he said it was because he meal was a change from posho (which looks like very stodgy mashed potato) and beans – their normal daily menu. (Malcolm was relieved he didn't say' because the Crawfords are going!!!!)

And the Senior staff of Potter's Village took us out for our last meal at Traveller’s Rest.

Now, all we have to do is pack up (and start our diet!!!!)

Finally, to complete the series on the local ‘delicacy’, the drink Bushera. Once the seeds of sorghum are dried and left to ferment for a few days in water you end up with the drink. It may look like drinking chocolate, but is tastes like slightly rancid fruit juice. Definitely an acquired taste and a bit of a shock to a mzungu!!!!

This week’s proverb from the BBC Africa web-site is from the Gambia: “A thin chicken cooked and shared tastes better than a fat one eaten alone”

Friday 12 October 2012

On You Marks........

We are getting ready to return to the UK next Friday. It has been a week of farewells.

Our friends kindly arranged a farewell ‘do’ for us at the Coffee Pot restaurant, a place we frequently go to for a meal for a treat!!!! It was a bring your own (but we didn’t take anything) and we ate well on lasagne, chicken stew and strawberry crumble.

It as also the last week we see Jenny as she has now gone to Kampala to spend half term with her daughter, Hannah. As a surprise we presented Potter’s Village with a cross stitch of an African mother and baby, as this seemed very appropriate for a Babies' Crisis Centre.

We were surprised to be given a present of a locally made basket and place mats.

Now, all we have to do is pack our bags!!!!

This week’s Zulu proverb from the BBC Africa web-site is from Zambia: “A person is a person through other people” “

Saturday 6 October 2012

Meanwhile, Back in Kisoro.........

Malcolm spent some days away from Kisoro.
Firstly, he went to Kampala to meet the Medical Superintendent of Kiwoko Hospital. Kampala is a large, noisy African City abut 400 miles from Kisoro.
Part of the city, the ‘New Taxi park’ is being redeveloped


On his way back he stopped off at Kisiizi Hospital to finish off some work before we return to the UK.


Meanwhile, back in Kisoro……


Irene was not left alone. A death defying lizard almost ‘dropped in’ on her by walking across the bedroom ceiling.


The Archbishop of Uganda came to Kisoro to say farewell before his retirement in December and Irene went to 2 meals with him.
Also to meet him were a group from the Boys and Girls Brigade who, as is typical here, rode on the back of a pick-up – We just hope they didn’t go over too many bumpy roads (except all the roads here are bumpy!)


(The President of Uganda, Museveni, also came to Kisoro- but this time Irene was not invited to any meals).

This week’s proverb from the BBC Africa web-site is from Nigeria: A house built with saliva will be washed away by the morning