Thursday 3 August 2017

Getting the Timing Right

When we first went to Tanzania in 2008 and 2009, we would leave the UK in April and return 6 months later in October, just is time for winter. This led to our vicar pointing out that we always got the timing wrong.

We have learnt!!!

This week we booked tickets to return to Tanzania for 6 months, but this time we leave the UK in November and return next May. This means a long, hot, winter.  (Oops - it will also be the rainy season - a long, hot, very wet winter).

We will be 'relieving' the long term Mission Partners, Ben and Katy Ray, who have been managing Neema Crafts in Iringa. They have been there for about 6 years and are due a break. It is really a 'house-swop' as they will be living in our house whilst we are in theirs. They get carpets and central heating, we get house staff and lizards.

Neema Crafts was set up about 14 years ago to train and employ disabled and deaf people. This is a group which is normally ignored in Tanzania as they are often seen to be a drain on a very poor economy. Neema Crafts now employs about 90 staff working in a range of crafts such as tailoring, carpentry, silk screen printing and paper making. They also run a guest house and a cafe (one of Malcolm's jobs will be to test the quality of the food in the cafe - it's going to be tough!!!!).

So - in just 3 months time we will be packing up and on our way. We will hope to restart our weekly blog diary while we are there.

For more information on Neema Crafts go to:

And if you happen to be passing Iringa do drop in for some chocolate cake at the cafe!!
Neema Crafts, Tanzania

PS Malcolm's beard has now grown so he looks like David Bellamy / Father Christmas. The most difficult decision in the next 3 months - should he keep it or lose it?