Friday 27 June 2014

Fun and Games at the Farm and the Farewell

Last Saturday some of the female hospital staff had a Fun Time at the Hospital Farm. No men allowed!

 The entertainment included food, food and talks.

Everyone was given the chance to milk a cow. First Robert showed how easy it is to fill a bucket from one cow.

Then Irene had a go.

Later that week it was time for Dr Natasha to return to England after 2 years at the hospital. Many people attended the farewell party, and joined in the games.

There was traditional Lugandan dancing


Several presents were given from ward staff and doctors.







This week’s proverb from the BBC Africa web-site is from Zambia: First find an escape route before taunting the cobra

Saturday 21 June 2014

Let It Rock

There was a Rock Concert at the Hospital last week.

Some of the staff are musicians, and with a group of friends put on a concert to raise money to pay for a mission to schools and for the treatment of a sick child.

There were rappers, rockers, comedians…………and Irene.

And who got the loudest applause……………

The Rock Opera Chick.

How do you follow that?

Simple. At the end of the week the ‘marrieds’ were tasked with organising morning chapel. As the most experienced and wise (viz oldest) marrieds we were involved. The dress code was the traditional Bugandan outfits – Kansu and Gomesi. (NB These are not to be confused with the Muppets –  Gonzo and Fozzie, though you might see a resemblence).


Irene sang a duet with Mugisha Paul – and they again got the loudest applause.


This week’s proverb from the BBC Africa web-site is from Nigeria: He who pelts another with pebbles asks for rocks in return

Friday 13 June 2014

The Slings and Hammocks of Outrageous Fortune

It was a relaxing week for some of us.

Irene was asked to look after baby Lana for the day. Seeing this as a great chance to get prepared to look after her own grandchildren she accepted the task with great pleasure. Unfortunately Lana is so small that she was lost somewhere inside  the baby sling.


Malcolm was looking forward to a weekend away with Irene, Corrie and Becca. Very quickly Irene was feeling totally relaxed, enjoying a cool drink whilst resting in the swimming pool.

Malcolm also tried to get some relaxation by trying out one of the hammocks. Unfortunately he wasn’t up to the job and found himself tipped out over, and over again.


Corrie offered to help him, but he still ended up on the ground

 Malcolm thought, was there someone else to blame!!


This week’s proverb from the BBC Africa web-site is from Tanzania: A monkey who sits on the ground does not fall from the tree

Friday 6 June 2014

The Bishop, and the Bishop's Wife

You wait 6 months for a wedding, and the two come along together!
This week we were thrice ‘Graced’.

Another couple from the hospital, Paul and Grace, got married at the local Cathedral. Malcolm went to the service which was conducted by his Grace the Bishop of Luweero.
The reception, as is usual, was held outdoors under tents.

On the same day Irene was off to see his Grace the Bishop’s wife. As the Bishop retires this year the Mother’s Union held a special event to thank his wife for being their President.

Everyone was expected to wear the tribal dress – a ‘Gomez’. Even better if it was in the colours of the Mothers’ Union – blue and white


This week’s proverb from the BBC Africa web-site is from Nigeria: “When an old woman falls down twice, people should check what is in her basket”.