Friday, 2 October 2009

Homeward Bound?

Two blogs for the price of one this week!!

This weekend we start of long journey back to England. The Hospital hade a farewell lunch for us on Thursday, when we were presented with a kanga and some material for Malcolm to have a shirt made – though we might find a better use for it as it is a bit bright for Western fashion, and Malcolm is known fro his sartorial taste!!!!! Ir ene has spent most of the week packing up. What we are not taking back to England, or a few item we are leaving in case we return to Tanzania, we have given to friends or our house workers.

When a ‘mzungu’ leaves a common experience is to have a long series of visitors who come to say goodbye – which is very nice. Unfortunately it is also their last opportunity to ask for money so it does get a bit wearing as they don’t realize that although that is normal for their own culture, for westerners it feels like all they want is our money. Hey ho – you get used to it.
When Dr Corrie left a few weeks ago she did the sensible thing. For the last 2 or 3 weeks she only did limited work at the Hospital because the other staff would have to cope when she left, so it was better if they coped whilst she was there to help.

Did Malcolm do the sensible thing? Did he heck!

Whenever he leaves a job he always tries to do lots of things at the end. In addition to sorting out the accounts of the Eye Department, answering auditors queries, sorting out PAYE annual returns, leaving notes on what to do when the September payroll is received from Government (which has not arrived yet), write a final report on action taken for the Medical Officer in Charge and a host of other things he was also pleased to do some work on a system for the Secondary School accounts and payroll. Still, he thinks he has dealt with everything.

After a farewell at our church, St Andrews, on Sunday we go to Dodsoma for the evening and a meal with friends at the Dodoma Hotel. Monday a 600km coach ride to dare s Salaam and on Tuesday we fly to Johannesburg for the 60km drive to Pretoria.We might be on our way back to England – but its in the wrong direction!

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