Friday, 22 April 2011

It's a steal - in fact it's a piece of cake!

‘I don’t believe it’ (Victor Meldrew)

In Britain we’d heard of people stealing items of ‘intimate’ clothing from washing lines. This week, it happened to Malcolm. He’d only hung up a pair of socks and some underwear, and when he came back at lunch-time, someone had taken the socks! They had kindly left the clothes pegs. Irene thought that Malcolm had sensibly thrown the socks away as they had holes in. To some people here even old socks are worth taking (but clearly, not an old pair of Malcolm’s pants – surprise, surprise)

Last Sunday was Palm Sunday and the tradition here is that people take a branch of some sort to church to celebrate Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem. Most managed to find a palm leaf or banana tree leaf – all Malcolm could find were some large leaves from some sort of weed. At the correct point in the service the congregation stood to wave their branches (or in Irene’s case, weed).

Because of Easter it’s been a short working week for Malcolm. Irene however, was asked by the Diocese Secretary (the chief Administrator in the office) to arrange on the mornings of Thursday, Saturday and Easter Monday a basic computer skills course for some of the office staff. So, with the assistance of Ruth, one of the short term Volunteers currently at Potters Village, the short course began on Thursday. It went well (which means the almost daily power cut here happened in the afternoon once the training finished).

Malcolm continues to try and bake cakes. Readers may recall his previous failed attempts at coffee cake (see blog of 17th September 2010). This week he was a lot more successful, although it’s amazing what icing will cover up. The only problem is it was good enough to share, which means this time we only had one slice each rather than half a cake. Maybe in future he shouldn’t try so hard!

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