Saturday, 8 October 2011

Time for a Ball?

Last weekend the students at the Diocese Vocational Training Centre arranged their conference at the Cathedral. It was themed 'Come let us reason together' based on a verse from Isaiah chapter 1,

As is usual with such events in Africa the opening, though planned for 8.30 am, took place just before 11. Because the Bishop had a prior commitment. (See note at bottom) he asked Irene to open the conference.

The conference went very well.

Lunch was served late in the afternoon. The Centre's kitchen is in one of the out- buildings. All the cooking is done using firewood or charcoal and can be a bit of a smokey experience.

When ready the food was served in one of the classrooms.

One of the activities enjoyed by the students is volley ball.

Many children here enjoy football but cant afford to buy a ball. Most seem to make their own footballs from string and plastic bags. In case this is of interest to anyone else the following is a item from last weeks newspapers explaining how to make a ball. You may struggle to find banana fibre in England, though.
Note about weddings

One of the problems here is that there is a culture that when you get married you have to:

- pay a large sum of money to the brides family to compensate them for their daughter

- put on an expensive 'Going Away' party just before the wedding at the brides house, inviting lots of friends

 -arrange a lavish reception and invite 100's of people to the wedding

The costs of these matters is just too much for poor peasants and they usually get themselves into serious debt. To avoid this many don't actually get married despite this being contrary to their religious beliefs. In order to try and address this the Bishop, when preaching at a remote village church in Mwumba some weeks ago, challenged the congregation by saying he would return to marry anyone without charge. 9 couples took up the offer, including one couple who decided to do so at the start of the wedding service. The Bishop's wife took with them two wedding cakes for the congregation to enjoy

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