Saturday, 4 November 2017

Creating Order out of Chaos

It's time to pack again, this time to go to Tanzania.

It's 'interesting' when you have to decide what you need to take when you are going abroad for 6 months. Whilst sorting this out Irene came across the suitcase she used when she joined the Wrens before we married. It is now far too small to use for Tanzania, and yet, at the time, held all her worldly possessions. Has the suitcase shrunk, or have we just got more 'stuff'?

Now she had to decide what to leave, what to throw away and what to take.

Fortunately between us we can take 4 large cases and 2 small. And this also enables us to to take some supplies to the Neema Craft workshop. Everything from beads to bales of felt;  face masks to headles (for weaving machine). The mountain of clothes and boxes seemed impossible, but Irene performed her magic and managed to pack it all turning a chaotic pile of 'stuff' into well packed order.

In a few days time these cases will be unpacked in Iringa where we start to work at the Neema Craft workshop for disabled and deaf adults.

And what was Malcolm doing during this hard work? Playing table football with his grandchildren - what else? Well at least he was out of the way.

PS the result of the question in the last blog about whether Malcolm should do something with his beard before we go to Tanzania was that everyone said either to trim it or shave it off. No-one thought it should be left alone. There has therefore been a major attempt to once again create order out of chaos

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